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The day Amazon started – level 3 was founded by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994, as...
The day of the Tunguska Event – level 2
30-06-1908On June 30, 1908, one of the biggest and most mysterious...
The day of the Tunguska Event – level 3
30-06-1908On June 30, 1908, one of the largest and most mysterious...
The day the Watergate scandal started – level 2
17-06-1972It is Saturday, June 17, 1972. Sometime after midnight, the security...
The day Al Capone went to prison – level 2
04-05-1932Al Capone was an American gangster and businessman. He controlled a...
The day Al Capone went to prison – level 3
04-05-1932Al Capone was an American gangster and businessman who controlled a...
The day Osama bin Laden died – level 3
02-05-2011Osama bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia into a wealthy...
The day Adolf Hitler died – level 2
30-04-1945When Germany lost the battle at Stalingrad in 1943, Adolf Hitler...
The day Adolf Hitler died – level 3
30-04-1945Since Germany lost the crucial battle at Stalingrad in 1943, Adolf...
The day the Hubble Space Telescope was taken to space – level 2
24-04-1990On April 24, 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope was taken to...