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The day Tutankhamun’s tomb was discovered – level 2
26-11-1922We are in Egypt in the Valley of the Kings. It...
The day Tutankhamun’s tomb was discovered – level 3
26-11-1922We are in Egypt in the Valley of the Kings, which...
The day of the most mysterious hijacking – level 2
24-11-1971On November 24, 1971, a man in a dark suit and...
The day of the most mysterious hijacking – level 3
24-11-1971On November 24, 1971, a man in a dark suit, tie,...
The day the first animal orbited the Earth – level 2
03-11-1957In October 1957, the Soviet Union sent the first satellite into...
The day the first animal orbited the Earth – level 3
03-11-1957In October 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first satellite into...
The day the US stock market crashed – level 2
24-10-1929After World War I, European countries were in big debts. Hyperinflation...
The day the US stock market crashed – level 3
24-10-1929After World War I, European countries had big debts. Hyperinflation was...
The day Chilean miners were rescued – level 2
13-10-2010On August 5, 33 Chilean miners became trapped underground after an...
The day penicillin was discovered – level 2
28-09-1928Alexander Fleming was a Scottish microbiologist. He wanted to discover a...