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The day the American Civil War ended – level 1


In 1861, the situation in the United States isn’t easy. There...

The day the American Civil War ended – level 2


In the middle of the 19th century, the situation in the...

The day the American Civil War ended – level 3


In the middle of the 19th century, the situation on the...

The day Mother Teresa died – level 3


Mother Teresa was called the Angel of Calcutta, as she dedicated...

The day a signal came from space – level 1


It is August 15, 1977. An American astronomer looks at the...

The day a signal came from space – level 2


On August 15, 1977, American astronomer Jerry Ehman looked at the...

The day a signal came from space – level 3


On August 15, 1977, American astronomer Jerry Ehman carried out an...

The day the Panama Canal opened – level 1


Panama is a country in Central America. People want to build...

The day the Panama Canal opened – level 2


The first idea of building a canal between the Atlantic and...

The day the Panama Canal opened – level 3


The first idea to dig a canal between the Atlantic and...