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The day the Mafia killed Giovanni Falcone – level 1


Giovanni Falcone is from Sicily. He studies law. He wants to...

The day the Mafia killed Giovanni Falcone – level 2


The Mafia was in Sicily, Italy, from 1838. After World War...

The day the Mafia killed Giovanni Falcone – level 3


The Mafia had been part of Sicily, Italy, since 1838. After...

The day of the first Formula One race – level 1


Car races start in 1895. People have champions in different countries,...

The day of the first Formula One race – level 2


Car races started in 1895. After some time, there were championships...

The day of the first Formula One race – level 3


Car races had been organized since the 1890s. There were championships...

The day Al Capone went to prison – level 1


It is 1925. Al Capone lives in Chicago. He is a...

The day Al Capone went to prison – level 2


Al Capone was an American gangster and businessman. He controlled a...

The day Al Capone went to prison – level 3


Al Capone was an American gangster and businessman who controlled a...

The day the telephone was patented – level 1


Alexander Graham Bell starts his experiments in 1873. He wants to...