Search Result For map

The day the human DNA was mapped – level 1


In 1990, scientists begin a special project. They want to map...

The day the human DNA was mapped – level 2


In 1990, scientists began a project with the goal of mapping...

The day the human DNA was mapped – level 3


In 1990, scientists started a project with the goal of mapping...

The day North Korea conquered Seoul – level 2


After World War II, the Korean peninsula was divided into a...

The day North Korea conquered Seoul – level 3


After World War II, the Korean peninsula was divided into a...

The day the Six-Day War started – level 1


It is May 1967. Egypt closes the access to the Red...

The day the Six-Day War started – level 2


In May 1967, Egypt closed the access to the Red Sea...

The day the Six-Day War started – level 3


In May 1967, Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran for Israeli...

The day Steve Jobs presented the first iPhone – level 3


On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs presented the first iPhone in...