Search Result For DNA

The day the human DNA was mapped – level 1


In 1990, scientists begin a special project. They want to map...

The day the human DNA was mapped – level 2


In 1990, scientists began a project with the goal of mapping...

The day the human DNA was mapped – level 3


In 1990, scientists started a project with the goal of mapping...

The day the first gorilla was born in a zoo – level 3


Gorillas are the closest relatives of humans right after chimpanzees. Their...

The day Adolf Eichmann was convicted – level 3


Adolf Eichmann was a Nazi and one of the main organizers...

The day Pablo Escobar was killed – level 2


Pablo Escobar was born in Colombia. His criminal career started early...

The day Pablo Escobar was killed – level 3


Pablo Escobar was born in Colombia. His criminal career started early...