The day the first journey around the world ended – level 1


Ferdinand Magellan is from Portugal. He works for Spain. He is a leader of an expedition. The expedition wants to go to Asia in 1519. The expedition wants to find a new way to Asia around South America. The expedition has five ships with 270 men.

The expedition wants to bring spices from Asia. The expedition is long and hard. Many men die. Ferdinand Magellan dies, too.

The expedition comes to Asia. It takes spices. Then, it continues west across the Indian Ocean and around Africa.

Only one ship with 18 men returns to Spain. It is on September 6, 1522. It is the first journey around the world. Now, it is clear that the Earth is round.

Difficult words: expedition (a big trip), spice (food that has a very strong taste), return (to go back), journey (a way), round (with a shape of a ball).

What obstacles did Ferdinand Magellan and his crew face during their expedition to find a new way to Asia?


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